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Carcassonne Day Trip – Explore the Largest Medieval Fortified City in France

Take a fascinating day trip to Carcassonne, the largest medieval fortified city in France and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Known for its fairytale-like atmosphere, Carcassonne boasts impressive ramparts, towering castles, and gabled roofs that transport visitors to another era. The city's magnificent Cathedral stands as a testament to its history as the heart of Catharism—a religious movement that rejected the Catholic Church's dogma. The Cathars were deemed heretics, and during the Crusades, their cities and castles were destroyed, with many Cathars burned at the stake.

Despite centuries of destruction from wars and time, Carcassonne was lovingly restored in the 19th century and is now protected as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city’s narrow, cobblestone streets are filled with souvenir shops and cozy restaurants, offering visitors a chance to soak in its medieval charm.

On your visit, explore the castle of Count Trencavel, walk along the impressive medieval walls, and enjoy breathtaking views of the old town and surrounding countryside. Don’t miss the opportunity to taste the famous cassoulet, a traditional hearty stew that’s a staple of Carcassonne cuisine.

Duration: 10-11 hours


Carcassonne medieval city, Carcassonne day trip, Carcassonne fortress, UNESCO World Heritage Carcassonne, Catharism Carcassonne, Count Trencavel castle, Carcassonne Cathedral, medieval France, Carcassonne cassoulet, Carcassonne walking tour, historical Ca
Carcassonne medieval city, Carcassonne day trip, Carcassonne fortress, UNESCO World Heritage Carcassonne, Catharism Carcassonne, Count Trencavel castle, Carcassonne Cathedral, medieval France, Carcassonne cassoulet, Carcassonne walking tour, historical Ca

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